by Sophie | Jan 31, 2021 | Acting, Blog, Film, Modeling, Theatre, VLOG
The Working Actor Weekly Update | Episode 1 I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about my YouTube channel and what I need to do in order to grow and connect our community. I have bounced back and forth quite a bit regarding how personal and open I am on... by Sophie | Apr 25, 2019 | Acting, Blog, Film, Modeling, Theatre, Travel, Voiceover
Ask An Actress Anything | Rapid Fire Q & A Episode 1 Every day I get questions from actors, artists, nurses, doctors, and entrepreneurs about the work I do, how I’m able to do it, and how I balance it all. I thought it would be fun to film a Q&A video with...
by Sophie | Jan 8, 2019 | Acting, Blog, Theatre, Travel, VLOG can't be loaded: An American Actress in London | TRAVEL VLOG ( Life is about being with those you love and seeing and experiencing as much as you can. I have done a LOT of traveling this year and this trip...
by Sophie | Nov 18, 2018 | Acting, Blog, Film, Modeling, Theatre, Voiceover can't be loaded: When To Ask for More Money | Working as an Artist ( I was on set last week and while getting my makeup done, I was having a conversation with the makeup artist about working for low pay.... by Sophie | Apr 18, 2018 | Acting, Blog, Film, Modeling, Theatre can't be loaded: Calming Audition Nerves | How I Stay Calm, Confident & Focused at Auditions ( The audition is simultaneously the most hated and the most constant aspect of your acting career. When your...